TRANSCRIPT: This is the text of the comic, for purposes such as translation and internet searches.
(Angry Demetri has finally lost the jacket, revealing his weird polygonal motif shirt from this chapter
has been sleeveless the whole time. Francesca sympathizes with his rage with a two-fisted gesture.)
DEMETRI: Then she was like, "Look, aren't I a darling little scarecrow?" Can you believe it?
FRANCESCA: That bitch!
(Demetri has calmed but is still worn out. Francesca waggle fingers for magic. Her shirt of full of boobies.)
FRANCESCA: Well, easy way's out. Want me to work my magic?
DEMETRI: Would you?
(Moments later, they kneel for ceremony, a giant cartoon witch hat on Francesca's head.)
DEMETRI: I didn't know you meant literal magic.
FRANCESCA: Think I'm just my smokin' looks? No.
DEMETRI: Is the hat necessary?
(Francesca reflects on her witchy connection - a woman of the stereotypical nerd variety, surrounded by hearts.)
FRANCESCA: The necessariest! Yeah I've been training with a sexy witch. No big deal.
Hell I'm feeling racy tonight, let's look for the big baddy, forget the small fries.
(Demetri is incredulous.)
DEMETRI: Why would that work now? We've tried all manner of things...
(Francesca just has to laugh.)
FRANCESCA: Fuck, we don't have anything better to do. That's why.
(Francesca's necklace has conjured a crystal ball for scrying. She holds it in her lap and casts spellz.)
FRANCESCA: Spirits! Where's that weird little asshole?
(Demetri is surprised and Francesca pleased to see a vision of Theodore appear - smiling as he fences with an unseen partner.)
THEODORE: Excellent parry! Ho! Ha!
(In the vision, it is revealed Theo's sparring partner was a terribly weird three-headed green monster.)
FRANCESCA: (off panel) Umm this may be metaphorical.
THEODORE: (in the vision) Good game my friend.
DEMETRI: (off panel) But it's a start?
(The monster's two smaller heads have extruded lengthy tongues which lash at Theodore
playfully. Demetri still can't believe it and Fran proudly hoists her magical items.)
THEODORE: (in the vision) Bradford, you scamp you!
DEMETRI: I'm-I'm honestly impressed.
FRANCESCA: I am impressive! Well I do have this gear - which I earned by being totally awesome at sexing.